Meet Julia, Mom on the Run

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It all started when…

…I had a baby, and wanted to return to running. From a personal and professional perspective, I took it upon myself to learn as much as I could about postpartum running (what the research is saying… or not saying; what is considered safe vs. definitely not safe; how to appropriately begin the fitness required for a successful return to running; and much more!). I wanted to help not only myself, but as many other women as I could navigate their postpartum running journeys.

Many Moms turn to (or return to!) running as a way to build fitness or have some quiet time during the postpartum period (postpartum is forever… so if you’ve ever been pregnant, you are currently postpartum), as it has very few barriers to entry. The precious little ‘me time’ that we get won’t be taken up commuting to a gym for a work-out - we can simply put on some sneakers, and step out our front door. Whether you are somebody who enjoyed running prior to or during your pregnancy, or you are giving it a try for the first time, there are things to consider before you begin.

A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy and delivery, whether through vaginal delivery or C-section. These changes need to be addressed to ensure that appropriate function is restored throughout the pelvic floor and core. Running can absolutely be a safe activity for postpartum women to engage in, and the goal of this website is to help women run safely after pregnancy. Whether you had your baby 1 day ago, 6 weeks ago, or 5 years ago, there are many things you can do to help make your running journey an enjoyable and satisfying one. Mom On The Run is here to help!

If you are interested in learning more about Mom On The Run, please head to the Mom On The Run website. I’d love to have you join the community!
